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Decolourisation of Metal-azo Dyes in Wastewaters by Sodium Peroxodisulphate: A Template for Experimental Investigations

The Open Environmental Research Journal 28 Mar 2023 RESEARCH ARTICLE DOI: 10.2174/25902776-v16-e230216-2022-2



It has long been recognized that the presence of azo metal complex dyes and their non-complexed counterparts in wastewaters, which is due to their manufacturing and use in the textile industries, renders natural waterways intensely coloured, and is therefore aesthetically unacceptable. Azo dye moieties are also known to be precursors of human carcinogenicity.


This work aimed at the decolourisation of metal-azo dyes present in wastewaters so that pollution of natural bodies of water can be prevented. Decolourisation is indicative of the destruction of the metal-ligand complex, allowing the retrieval of transition metal ions, which are also water contaminants. Fracturing of the azo bond itself minimizes the potential for the carcinogenicity of these dyes.


Decolourisation is achieved by the oxidative action of free radicals furnished by Na2S2O8, the sodium salt of peroxodisulphuric acid (Marshall’s acid). Raman spectroscopy characterizes the dye (ligand) known as “Eriochrome Black T (EBT)” by a peak at 1425 cm-1. Dismantling of its molecular structure by peroxodisulphate will lead to decolourisation accompanied by the collapse of the peak. Concomitantly, as EBT ligands fracture and cease to chelate, metallic ions are released, oxidized to a higher oxidation state, and precipitated as insoluble compounds in alkaline media.


The concentration of metallic ions in the aqueous phase has been found to be substantially reduced. The successfully treated dye solutions are mostly clear and colourless; their Beer-Lambert absorbances are in the range of 0.02 ≤ absorbance ≤ 0.05. The treatment of Ni(II), Co(II) and Fe(II)-EBT solutions is straightforward; the Cu(II) and Cr(III)-EBT solutions require additional treatment to be included in the above absorbance range. The Cr(III)-EBT is the least responsive to treatment. Fracturing of the azo bond is evinced by Raman Spectroscopy.


A template to investigate the feasibility of decolourisation of metal-complex dye solutions is pioneered and recommended.

Keywords: Metal-azo dyes, Wastewater, Peroxodisulphate, Raman spectroscopy, Decolourisation, Azo-metallic dyes.
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